In Pursuit of the Divine
Ultimately, I consider myself a designer and fabricator of sacred jewelry, jewelry created for the purpose of bringing the wearer closer to their essential Wholeness within. This is the story of how my nature as a seeker and as an artist came together to forge that path.
A Child Seeker
I was fortunate to be born into a family of yogis. Meditation became a part of my life from the age of 8. As a young child, I knew that the silence I experienced inside myself, and that I perceived to be underlying all of material existence and activity, was to be the focus and guiding force of my life. Indeed it has. I have traveled the world, studied, read, and dedicated myself to deep spiritual practice for the last 5 decades. It has been a wild, confronting, and richly rewarding journey.
My Love of Art Expands
As I grew up, art was a natural expression for me. Over the years, my appreciation of art expanded beyond something I simply loved to do and surround myself with, to an understanding that art can be a vehicle to Awakening, a path to enlivening wholeness within the human physiology. Great art moves people. It resonates within them that part of themselves that is whole, unbounded, perfect. It has a physical influence. This was the kind of art that I wanted to create.
How I Create
When I sit to do my jewelry, I bring with me my dedication to continually grow as an artist and craftswoman. I am clear about my intention. I am here to be doing my Dharma, exploring my path to God, creating deeply conscious and energetically powerful jewelry. I am also clear that I am but a humble and very grateful servant, serving a greater source, with a much greater purpose. Every good artist knows, that what elevates a work beyond the ordinary to the exceptional, does not come from their individual, small self. It is our ability to step aside and let inspiration, the muse, God, work through us. Then something magic happens. Wholeness is manifested.
In Conclusion
Making Art Jewelry with the intention to enliven Divinity within the wearer, is the natural result of my life as a seeker and an artist. I am honored to be doing what I do. I am constantly developing and refining my craft so I can bring the greatest skill to my task. I provide the labour, God provides the inspiration.
So I just bow my head in gratitude, pick up my hammer and get out of the way.